Welcome to my website, let me start by introducing myself and providing a bit of background. I graduated from Washington University in St. Louis, specifically from the Sam Fox School of Design and Visual arts, where I received a BFA in Communication Design. Within the realm of Communication Design I had a focus in Graphic and Web Design, which allowed me to refine my skill set. Given our increasing dependance on digital media and technology, I wanted to pursue an avenue that would allow a greater ability to influence the world around me.

Whether or not we recognize it, we interact with digitally based design thousands of times a day. From looking at our phone screens, to accessing websites, computer programs and more, it has all been designed for the user and their journey. How can we better orchestrate and design for the user, given that the digital world is ever expanding and arguably increasingly saturated with content. This notion led me to a career in visual user experience and user interface design. In an effort to bring this full circle, I must address my interaction courses at Sam Fox School, which provided me with the skills necessary to not only code, but also gain a better sense of design as a whole.

With in my design classes I learnt how to enhance my work by actively applying design principals to enhance the transmission of information in ways that are suitable to the platform's user base.

In my free time, I continue to explore the fine arts through a wide range of mediums. When I am not focusing on my art I enjoy hiking and playing sports.

"The hidden harmony is better than the obvious.”

- Pablo Picasso

I am currently employed full time as a Senior Full Stack Designer, but still take on freelance opportunities.

Email: alexhammarskjold@gmail.com
To see my resume, please email me.